The Oneida Area Civic Chorale will present “Rejoice”, a collection of music celebrating the holiday season, on Sunday, December 5, 2021 at 4:00 PM at St Agatha’s Church in Canastota. The Chorale, an 80 voice community chorus under the direction of Mark Bunce, will be accompanied by Heather O’Connell on piano and organ, and joined by a brass quartet. Tickets for the concert are $10 and are available from Chorale members. Masks will be required by all audience members. Attendees ages 12 and over will be required to present proof of Covid-19 vaccination or recent negative Covid-19 test. (see performance covid policy below poster). LIMITED SEATING: SEE A CHORALE MEMBER FOR TICKETS ASAP. SEASON PASS HOLDERS: You must call Karen Puglisi at 315-877-6555 to reserve a seat. Please get your tickets today! Read more here
OACC COVID-19 Performance Policies
The Oneida Area Civic Chorale (OACC) is committed to providing a safe environment for our singers, musicians, and audience members. Our policies regarding COVID -19 have been developed based on current information from the CDC, as well as state and local health departments. We have also tried to be consistent with COVID-19 safety practices of local performing arts groups and venues, such as the Landmark Theater, Stanley Theater, Glimmerglass and Proctors Theaters.
To protect the health and safety of OACC members and individuals attending OACC performances, the following requirements are being implemented for all performances:
To facilitate the check-in process, all attendees are requested to enter the performance venue at St. Agatha’s Church via the Parish Center. The main doors to the church will not be open for admission. Chorale staff will be available to validate vaccination or testing status beginning one hour prior to the performance (3 pm for 4pm performance). Once verified, you will be provided with a credential to show the usher, who will escort you to a seat. Please be aware that we will be unable to allow admission to individuals who are unable to provide acceptable proof of vaccination/testing and appropriate identification.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation with these procedures. Our goal is to provide an experience that is as safe as possible for all.
To protect the health and safety of OACC members and individuals attending OACC performances, the following requirements are being implemented for all performances:
- Individuals who are 12 years of age and older must provide evidence of completed vaccination against COVID-19, or proof of negative results of a professionally administered PCR or antigen test from within the previous 72 hours
- Proof of vaccination includes any of the following:
- Physical vaccination card
- NYS Excelsior Pass
- Government digital vaccine proof from outside NYS
- Photocopy of vaccination card, showing both sides of card
- Proof of booster vaccination is not required
- Children under 12 years do not need to present evidence of testing or vaccination, but must wear a mask at all times
- In addition to the above, all attendees ages 12 and over must bring a government issued or school ID.
- Masks will be required to be worn at all times by all audience members in the performance venue.
- Patrons who are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, who have a known exposure to an individual who has tested positive for OCVID within the last ten days (if unvaccinated) or last five days (if vaccinated), or who are currently under isolation due to a positive COVID test will not be admitted to the performance.
- Seating within the pews of the church will be arranged to encourage distancing of approximately 3 feet between individuals. Families may sit closer together within a pew, if desired. There will not be additional distancing between pews (i.e. all rows of pews will be used).
To facilitate the check-in process, all attendees are requested to enter the performance venue at St. Agatha’s Church via the Parish Center. The main doors to the church will not be open for admission. Chorale staff will be available to validate vaccination or testing status beginning one hour prior to the performance (3 pm for 4pm performance). Once verified, you will be provided with a credential to show the usher, who will escort you to a seat. Please be aware that we will be unable to allow admission to individuals who are unable to provide acceptable proof of vaccination/testing and appropriate identification.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation with these procedures. Our goal is to provide an experience that is as safe as possible for all.